Coaching for Career-Driven People with Chronic Illness


Individual Coaching

Even when your health is well-managed, living with Chronic Illness can feel like you are living in a house of cards.  One wrong move and everything will collapse around you.  Or maybe half of it has already fallen and you are trying to keep the rest from crumbling while you rebuild. 

Luckily, it does not have to stay this way.  With individual coaching, we work together to set your goals and map out a sustainable path to achieve them.

Topics we may discuss during individual coaching:

  • Your Career and Chronic Illness

  • How to Learn, Communicate, and Respect your Limits

  • Build a realistic and positive Chronic Illness Mindset

  • Communicating with others about your Chronic Illness

  • Building Support Systems and Networks

  • Navigating changing Life-Stages with Chronic Illness

We will work together to set clear goals, develop strategies you can rely on, and support your path forward with chronic illness.

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Meet Your Coach

Emily Whelden

Coach, Chronic Illness Warrior, Career and Family Focused.

Emily's chronic illness journey started when she was a very young child when she was diagnosed with not one, but two chronic neurological illnesses. Her parents, who both have chronic illnesses, raised her to live her life fully despite her chronic illness—recognizing the limitations chronic illness imposed, but never being defined by them.

Emily went on to college and then law school, having chronic illness ups and downs along the way. But still never being defined solely by her chronic illness. As a new attorney, Emily became a legal guardian for people with intellectual disability, mental health issues, and dementia. In this role, she helped her clients identify the challenges facing them and helped them set out a path forward. She saw the power that self-actualization has by helping her clients identify their core needs and values and then implement an action plan in a person-centered model.

Her philosophy is that each person should be empowered to make choices that advance their needs. When people learn how to optimize their physical health and mindset, can clearly communicate their needs, and respect the role of chronic illness in their lives they can get back to living their best life with chronic illness.